We are so happy to congratulate all ACCA Prizewinners, who obtained the best results in the ACCA exams in Poland, Ukraine, Latvia and Lithuania - in the June 2022 session!
What were their main motivations for completing ACCA Qualifications? Which study strategy appeared to be the best? What exam and learning tips can Prizewinners share? Please find below all interesting interviews.
Łukasz Rawicki, EMEA Customer Experience FP&A Lead, Cisco Systems Poland Sp. z o.o., APM Prizewinner
Łukasz Rawicki
Na wstępie chcielibyśmy pogratulować znakomitego wyniku egzaminu w sesji Czerwiec 2022. Czy możesz nam powiedzieć, jakie były lub są Twoje główne motywacje do ukończenia ACCA Qualification?
Dziękuję! Drogę w kierunku zdobycia ACCA Qualification zacząłem już dobrych parę lat temu, zdając egzaminy na Biegłego Rewidenta, które później pomogły mi zaliczyć egzaminy ACCA Applied Skills oraz ACCA Applied Knowledge. Na początku tej drogi moją główną motywacją była chęć zdobycia certyfikatu, który potwierdzałby zdobyte przeze mnie umiejętności oraz wiedzę - tak aby wzmonić moją pozycję na rynku pracy.
Obecnie, gdy jestem już blisko końca tej drogi, zwracam szczególną uwagę na to jak wiedza, którą zdobywam w trakcie nauki do egzaminów przydaje się w mojej codziennej pracy i pomaga mi lepiej rozumieć i zarządzać finansami firmy, w której pracuję.
Jaki był klucz do Twojego sukcesu egzaminacyjnego? Jaką masz strategię nauki/przygotowania do egzaminu, którą możesz polecić innym studentom ACCA?
W moim przypadku sprawdza się przede wszystkim planowanie nauki. Rozpoczynając przygotowania dokładnie przeglądam materiały, które chcę przyswoić i planuję ilu tematów/zadań podejmę się danego dnia, zostawiając sobie bufor na nieprzewidziane sytuacje prywatne czy zawodowe. Przygotowania rozpoczynam od przejrzenia materiałów ze strony internetowej ACCA, mówiących o czym jest dany egzamin oraz dających rady co do techniki egzaminacyjnej. To bardzo pomaga nastawić się na konkretne tematy czy umiejętności, podczas dalszych etapów nauki. Następnie, korzystając z podręczników, spędzam 2-3 tygodnie na przyswojenie teorii, kolejno przechodząc do rozwiązywania zadań. Przed każdym z egzaminów staram się przygotować z większości dostępnych zadań (przynajmniej przeglądając rozwiązania po uprzednim rozwiązywaniu zadań "w głowie"), zaczynając od tych pochodzących z niedawnych sesji.
Jakimi wskazówkami i praktycznymi radami możesz podzielić się z innymi studentami ACCA, którzy przygotowują się do egzaminów?
W mojej opinii trzy rzeczy są absolutnie nie do przecenienia. Po pierwsze: artykuły i materiały egzaminatorów na YouTube dotyczące techniki egzaminacyjnej, o których wspominałem powyżej. Po drugie: ACCA Practice Platform i dostępne na niej egzaminy próbne (polecam zrobić przynajmniej jeden, od początku do końca!). Po trzecie: odnoszenie zdobywanej wiedzy do doświadczeń zawodowych i vice versa - to pozwala zwizualizować sobie konkretne tematy czy pojęcia w konkretnych sytuacjach zawodowych i w konsekwencji utrwalić wiedzę.
- organizacja zrzeszającą najlepszych ekpertów od finansów,
- świetna okazja na poszerzenie horyzontów w finansach - możliwość sprawdzenia się w obszarach, którymi zajmuję się na co dzień w pracy, lecz także okazja na zdobycie praktycznego doświadczenia w innych obszarach.
Jeżeli korzystałeś z opcji nauki i przygotowania do egzaminu, oferowanych przez naszych partnerów edukacyjnych, napisz prosimy z czyjej oferty korzystałeś i jak ta nauka pomogła uzyskać Ci tak świetny wynik z egzaminu?
Do wszystkich egzaminów Strategic Professional przygotowuję się korzystając z materiałów Kaplana (Study Text/Exam Kit). Jest to nieocenione źródło wiedzy - zarówno teoretycznej, jak i praktycznej. Materiały te pozwalają mi zaoszczędzić czas podczas fazy planowania i zbierania materiałów - gdyż wszystko jest w jednym miejscu, dodatkowo skategoryzowane w bardzo przejrzysty sposób. Rozwiązania do zadań oraz wskazówki i komentarze egzaminatorów są bardzo przydatne i pozwalają się skupić na kluczowych technikach, pozwalających na zdobycie wysokiego wyniku podczas egzaminów.
Agata Jachacy, Manager Działu Księgowego, GLC Accounting sp. z o. o., ATX Prizewinner
Agata Jachacy
Na wstępie chcielibyśmy pogratulować znakomitego wyniku egzaminu w sesji Czerwiec 2022. Czy możesz nam powiedzieć, jakie były lub są Twoje główne motywacje do ukończenia ACCA Qualification?
Dynamiczne zmiany gospodarcze, polityczne, środowiskowe i społeczne wymuszają wręcz na specjalistach poszerzanie swoich horyzontów. Dzisiaj księgowi to już nie tylko ludzie analizujący dane historyczne, ale specjaliści, od których oczekuje się umiejętności holistycznego spojrzenia na biznes i aktywnego udziału w jego rozwoju. Zaufani doradcy wspierający przedsiębiorców w reagowaniu na pojawiające się wyzwania, biorący udział w tworzeniu oraz implementacji optymalnych rozwiązań, otwarci na automatyzację procesów, przy jednoczesnym zachowaniu najwyższych standardów etycznych. Dogonienie tego wizerunku wymaga z kolei elastyczności w rozwoju swoich kompetencji i ciągłego ich dostosowywania do aktualnych oczekiwań rynku.
Zarówno format egzaminów ACCA, oparty o studium przypadków, jak i ich kontent znajdują odzwierciedlenie w mojej codziennej pracy zawodowej. Jestem przekonana, że członkostwo w ACCA jest faktycznym potwierdzeniem wysokich kompetencji w obszarze finansów, rachunkowości i zarządzania, rozpoznawanym i realnie docenianym przez pracodawców zarówno krajowych, jak i zagranicznych.
Jaki był klucz do Twojego sukcesu egzaminacyjnego? Jaką masz strategię nauki/przygotowania do egzaminu, którą możesz polecić innym studentom ACCA?
Jestem przekonana, że kluczem do mojego sukcesu jest determinacja. Nie tylko moja, ale również mojej rodziny, bo ten sukces to doskonały przykład sprawnej pracy zespołowej i owoc ich zaangażowania.
Proces przygotowania do egzaminu ATX-UK był dla mnie niezwykle ciężki. Materiał wymagający opanowania jest bardzo obszerny, a system podatkowy UK nie był mi wcześniej znany. Dodatkowo czas, który zaplanowałam na naukę szybko okazał się być niebezpiecznie optymistyczny. Mając jednak z tyłu głowy cel, wykorzystałam ten czas i możliwości najlepiej jak potrafiłam, a na salę egzaminacyjną wchodziłam po 100%, nie 50.
Jakimi wskazówkami i praktycznymi radami możesz podzielić się z innymi studentami ACCA, którzy przygotowują się do egzaminów?
Przede wszystkim należy pamiętać, że technika egzaminacyjna i sprawne zarządzanie czasem na egzaminie są co najmniej tak samo ważne, jak wiedza merytoryczna.
Warto korzystać z ogólnie dostępnych źródeł wiedzy, takich jak strona internetowa ACCA, Student Accountant, profil ACCA na LinkedIn czy FB, Student VCL, webinary organizowane przez Stowarzyszenie czy partnerów edukacyjnych. Są pełne wartościowych treści, które mogą przydać się w trakcie egzaminu, a w „najgorszym” wypadku pomogą poszerzyć horyzonty i wyrobić własne zdanie na wiele aktualnych tematów.
Kluczowe jest również nawiązanie bliskiej relacji z platformą CBE przed dniem egzaminu, poprzez rozwiązywanie jak największej liczby zadań właśnie z jej wykorzystaniem.
Poza tym podstawy, czyli prozaicznie – dobrej jakości sen, sensownie odżywione ciało i aktywność fizyczna dają wymierne rezultaty. W zaopiekowanym ciele łatwiej o koncentrację i bardziej efektywną naukę :) No i nie traćcie z oczu celu!
- oczekiwany standard pracy dzisiejszego specjalisty w sektorze finansowym,
- ludzie ceniący podobne wartości,
- nowe spectrum możliwości zawodowych.
Jeżeli korzystałaś z opcji nauki i przygotowania do egzaminu, oferowanych przez naszych partnerów edukacyjnych, napisz prosimy z czyjej oferty korzystałaś i jak ta nauka pomogła uzyskać Ci tak świetny wynik z egzaminu?
Podczas przygotowania do egzaminu ATX-UK korzystałam ze wsparcia FME Learn Online, z kursu prowadzonego przez Aileen Edgar. Zdecydowałam się na pomoc firmy szkoleniowej ze względu na to, że egzamin obejmował ogromny obszar wiedzy podatkowej w wariancie, z którym nie mam styczności w swojej zawodowej codzienności. Kurs pomógł mi efektywnie zaplanować pracę z materiałem. Konieczność terminowego dostarczania zadań domowych stanowiła ciągłe wyzwanie, które pomagało mi utrzymać koncentrację na celu. Jednocześnie produkt oferowany przez FME Learn Online nie jest anonimowy – nie ogranicza się do notatek podanych w formie pdf, czy nagrań video, ale jego ogromną wartością dodaną jest bezpośredni kontakt z wykładowcą – telefoniczny, mailowy, czy whatsapp. Duże znaczenie ma również nacisk, jaki wykładowca kładzie na technikę egzaminacyjną oraz możliwość napisania, a następnie omówienia z wykładowcą mock exam.
Agnieszka Szczepanek, Senior Financial Accounting and Tax Specialist, Heineken Global Shared Services, SBR Prizewinner
Agnieszka Szczepanek
Na wstępie chcielibyśmy pogratulować znakomitego wyniku egzaminu w sesji Czerwiec 2022. Czy możesz nam powiedzieć, jakie były lub są Twoje główne motywacje do ukończenia ACCA Qualification?
Przede wszystkim chciałabym zdobyć wiedzę, dzięki której będę mogła rozwijać się w pracy zawodowej.
Jaki był klucz do Twojego sukcesu egzaminacyjnego? Jaką masz strategię nauki/przygotowania do egzaminu, którą możesz polecić innym studentom ACCA?
W moim przypadku, w pierwszej kolejności skupiłam się na opanowaniu podręcznika, a następnie próbowałam rozwiązać jak najwięcej pytań z poprzednich egzaminów. Rozpoczęłam przygotowania około 2 miesiące przed egzaminem i starałam się codziennie poświęcić przynajmniej 1-2h na naukę.
Jakimi wskazówkami i praktycznymi radami możesz podzielić się z innymi studentami ACCA, którzy przygotowują się do egzaminów?
Myślę, że podstawą jest dogłębne zrozumienie omawianych zagadnień i rozpoczęcie nauki na tyle wcześnie, by zdążyć przerobić jak najwięcej zadań egzaminacyjnych. Przed rozpoczęciem nauki, zawsze starałam się najpierw powtórzyć materiał, który opanowałam w poprzednich dniach.
Prestiżowa organizacja rozpoznawana na całym świecie, która zrzesza osoby posiadające specjalistyczną wiedzę z zakresu finansów.
Jeżeli korzystałaś z opcji nauki i przygotowania do egzaminu, oferowanych przez naszych partnerów edukacyjnych, napisz prosimy z czyjej oferty korzystałaś i jak ta nauka pomogła uzyskać Ci tak świetny wynik z egzaminu?
Uczestniczyłam w kursie prowadzonym przez LondonSAM we współpracy z Uniwersytetem Ekonomicznym w Krakowie. Bardzo polecam tę opcję, ponieważ wykładowca w bardzo przystępny sposób tłumaczy omawiane kwestie, jest wiele ćwiczeń praktycznych i co najważniejsze, zwraca uwagę na aspekty techniczne (takie jak kontrola czasu, kolejność rozwiązania zadań, itp).
Katarzyna Ciborowska, External Reporting and Compliance Senior Analyst, Whirlpool Corporation, SBL Prizewinner
Katarzyna Ciborowska
Na wstępie chcielibyśmy pogratulować znakomitego wyniku egzaminu w sesji Czerwiec 2022. Czy możesz nam powiedzieć, jakie były lub są Twoje główne motywacje do ukończenia ACCA Qualification?
Z małymi wyjątkami, od zawsze pracuję w dużych, międzynarodowych firmach. Certifikacja ACCA wydała mi się więc naturalnym przedłużeniem wiedzy praktycznej i, niejako, udokumentowaniem jej. Ponadto, będąc certyfikatem uznanym międzynarodowo, wierzę, że ACCA otwiera wiele możliwości, jak np. praca zdalna z kraju dla zagranicznego pracodawcy.
Po studiach magisterskich czułam też pewien niedosyt wiedzowy - wiedziałam, że dzwoni, ale nie zawsze byłam pewna, w której dzwonnicy, pewnie po części dlatego, że na pierwszy stopień (licencjat) wybrałam skrajnie inne studia, była to filologia hiszpańska, a nie finanse. ACCA dało mi więc świetną okazję, by wiedzę skonsolidować oraz poznać różne ścieżki zawodowe w obszarze finansów (i moje preferencje do co tychże).
Jaki był klucz do Twojego sukcesu egzaminacyjnego? Jaką masz strategię nauki/przygotowania do egzaminu, którą możesz polecić innym studentom ACCA?
Nie mam niestety do zaoferowania innym studentom żadnych magicznych sztuczek, moją receptą była zawsze praca, praca i jeszcze raz rzetelna praca. Rzetelna, czyli taka, podczas której nie oszukuje sama siebie, to znaczy nie spędzam w czasie nauki czasu z telefonem czy innymi "rozpraszaczami", nie zadowalam się pobieżnym przejrzeniem zaplanowanego materiału, nie załatwiam w czasie nauki innych spraw.
Oczywiście we współczesnym świecie bodźce atakują nas z każdej strony, warto więc stworzyć sobie warunki do skupienia, uzgodnić czas na naukę z domownikami oraz mieć przy sobie czystą kartkę, na której będziemy zapisywać mysli/zadania, które nam przychodzą do głowy (typu "kup bułki", "zadzwoń do siostry", "zapłać za prąd"). W ten sposób nic nam nie ucieknie, a nasz umysł będzie uspokojony.
Jakimi wskazówkami i praktycznymi radami możesz podzielić się z innymi studentami ACCA, którzy przygotowują się do egzaminów? Prócz tego, co zostało wspomniane wyżej, wydaje mi się, że nie ma uniwersalnych porad, które będą działać dla wszytkich.
Ja np. zawsze na początku nauki robiłam mały research co to za egzamin i z czym się go je, zapisywałam ciekawe linki i materiały ze strony ACCA do przejrzenia na później, potem przerabiałam całą teorię z sylabusa, zaś następnie zabierałam się za praktykę i egzaminy próbne. Taka metoda może być jednak nie najlepsza dla mniej zdyscyplinowanych uczniów, gdyż istnieje ryzyko, że na praktyczne zadania zostawią sobie za mało czasu, co może być bardzo stresujące.
Mimo tych wszystkich słów o pracy i samodyscyplinie, radziłabym wszystkim studentom, by byli elastyczni i wyrozumiali sami dla siebie. Jedno zadanie dziennie to więcej niż zero, dwa to więcej niż jedno. Nie zawsze uda się w pełni zrealizować plan, ale zawsze da się coś zrobić. Masz tylko 20 minut przejazdu tramwajem na naukę? 20 minut to więcej niż zero, więc nie lekceważ tego, stwierdzając, że nawet nie opłaca się zaczynać.
Gdy już mowa o czasie: praktykujcie zadania i egzaminy próbne w czasie wskazanym dla danego zadania ('under timed condition'). Gdy usiądziecie już na sali egzaminacyjnej z koktajlem z adrenaliny i kortyzolu w sobie, zdolność pilnowania czasu pozwoli wam się skupić i nie wchodzić w zbędne detale/pisanie nie na temat-zwyczajnie nie starczy czasu na to. Dzień egzaminu lub zaledwie tydzień przed nim to zdecydowanie za późno, by nabywać tę kompetencję.
Kolejna rzecz wg mnie nie do przecenienia to samodzielne ocenianie wykonanych zadań. Nikt nie ma szklanej kuli, by wywróżyć, jak mu poszło, trzeba to po prostu samemu krok po kroku sprawdzić. Z mojego doświadczenia wynika, że podczas sprawdzania zadań nauczyłam się co najmniej tyle, co podczas samego wykonywania zadań. Choć jest to czasochłonny proces, a modelowe odpowiedzi mogą przerażać swoją detalicznością i rozbudowaniem- warto. Będzie to dla nas cenne źródło wiedzy na temat stanu naszego przygotowania do egzaminu.
- potwierdzenie moich umiejętności i wiedzy,
- klucz do nowych perpektyw zawodowych,
- bardzo trudne ale i satysfakcjonujące wyzwanie.
Oksana Glodik, Financial Controller, Iyuno-SDI Group, TX POL Prizewinner
Oksana Glodik
Na wstępie chcielibyśmy pogratulować znakomitego wyniku egzaminu w sesji Czerwiec 2022. Czy możesz nam powiedzieć, jakie były lub są Twoje główne motywacje do ukończenia ACCA Qualification?
Moją główną motywacją jest chęć ciągłego rozwoju, poszerzania umiejętności zawodowych oraz zdobycia nowej wiedzy, w tym też z tych obszarów finansów i rachunkowości, z którymi nie mam okazji pracować na co dzień. ACCA to jedna z najbardziej rozpoznawalnych i prestiżowych kwalifikacji na świecie. Dzięki przygotowywaniu do egzaminów wiem, że jestem na bieżąco z najnowszymi standardami i mogę wykorzystać zdobytą wiedzę przy wykonywaniu codziennych obowiązków zawodowych.
Jaki był klucz do Twojego sukcesu egzaminacyjnego? Jaką masz strategię nauki/przygotowania do egzaminu, którą możesz polecić innym studentom ACCA?
To już mój trzeci najlepszy w sesji wynik egzaminu ACCA (w tym jeden był też najlepszy na świecie). Do wszystkich egzaminów przygotowywałam się samodzielnie. Mój klucz do sukcesu to przerobienie jak największej ilości zadań. Przy przygotowaniu do egzaminu TX POL to było jeszcze bardziej istotne, ponieważ dostępne materiały edukacyjne są bardzo ograniczone. Praktyka czyni mistrza.
Jakimi wskazówkami i praktycznymi radami możesz podzielić się z innymi studentami ACCA, którzy przygotowują się do egzaminów?
Myślę, że warto zadbać o systematyczność nauki i, o ile to możliwe, codziennie poświęcać chociaż parę minut przygotowaniu do egzaminu. Ja zawsze najpierw staram się przeczytać teorię w całości jak najszybciej, żeby potem poświęcić dużą ilość czasu na wykonanie ćwiczeń. Lubię też robić własne krótkie notatki z kluczowymi formułami i zagadnieniami. W sytuacji kiedy łączymy naukę z pracą na pełny etat, warto też zacząć przygotowywać się do egzaminu nieco wcześniej, żeby mieć komfort psychiczny w najbardziej intensywnych okresach w pracy, kiedy niekoniecznie będziemy mieć czas i siły na naukę. Na samym egzaminie kluczowe jest efektywne zarządzanie czasem.
Dla mnie osobiście ACCA to inwestycja we własną przyszłość zawodową, aktualna i rzetelna wiedza, klucz do osiągnięcia kolejnych szczebli kariery.
Jeżeli korzystałaś z opcji nauki i przygotowania do egzaminu, oferowanych przez naszych partnerów edukacyjnych, napisz prosimy z czyjej oferty korzystałaś i jak ta nauka pomogła uzyskać Ci tak świetny wynik z egzaminu?
Do wszystkich egzaminów przygotowywałam się samodzielnie.
Paulina Tyszkiewicz, Menadżer ds. Raportowania Finansowego, State Street - AAA Prizewinner
Paulina Tyszkiewicz
Na wstępie chcielibyśmy pogratulować znakomitego wyniku egzaminu w sesji Czerwiec 2022. Czy możesz nam powiedzieć, jakie były lub są Twoje główne motywacje do ukończenia ACCA Qualification?
Każdy egzamin to ogromne wyzwanie. Każdy wiąże się z koniecznością poświęcenia znacznej ilości czasu i uwagi. Uważam jednak, że jest to zdecydowanie warte wysiłku. Każdy kolejny krok zbliżający mnie do uzyskania członkostwa jest połączony ze zdobyciem ogromnej wiedzy i większego zrozumienia nie tylko obszarów, w których na co dzień nie pracuję, jak na przykład AML i wdrażanie nowych klientów do firmy ale także tych, z którymi stykam się każdego dnia, jak przygotowywanie sprawozdań finansowych. To zrozumienie, ogromne zasoby nowych informacji oraz łącząca się z tym niesamowicie przydatna wiedza stanowią moją główną motywację. Dodatkowo postrzegam ACCA jako prestiżową organizację a przynależność do niej będzie dla mnie zaszczytem i ważnym elementem mojej dalszej kariery zawodowej.
Jaki był klucz do Twojego sukcesu egzaminacyjnego? Jaką masz strategię nauki/przygotowania do egzaminu, którą możesz polecić innym studentom ACCA?
Do egzaminu zaczynam przygotowywać się na około 3 miesiące przed jego datą. W każdym tygodniu wyznaczam sobie cele związane z ilością materiału do przyswojenia. Kiedy już ‘przerobię’ część teoretyczną, przechodzę do zadań, czyli części praktycznej. Uważam, że właśnie ta część stanowi moją podstawę przygotowania do egzaminu. To właśnie zadania pokazują mi elementy i zagadnienia, z którymi nie mam problemów a także te, na których muszę skupić większą uwagę i poświecić więcej czasu na ich zrozumienie. Na koniec wracam do teorii, by przypomnieć sobie i przejrzeć jeszcze raz najważniejsze aspekty bądź te które sprawiają mi nieco więcej trudności. Nauka jest znacznie łatwiejsza, kiedy uczestniczy się w szkoleniach dedykowanych do każdego z egzaminów.
Jakimi wskazówkami i praktycznymi radami możesz podzielić się z innymi studentami ACCA, którzy przygotowują się do egzaminów?
- Regularna nauka.
- Stawianie sobie realistycznych celów, które uwzględniają obowiązki zawodowe oraz życie prywatne. Czyli do powszechnie używanego sformułowania, work-life balance, trzeba dodać część związaną z uczeniem się. Co ważniejsze, ta część, może nieco mniejsza, ale musi nam towarzyszyć przez cały czas, nie tylko w czasie przygotowania do egzaminu.
- Sprawianie sobie małych nagród, jak wyjście do kina za zrealizowanie tygodniowych celów.
- Znalezienie czasu na odpoczynek i relaks.
- Niepowtarzanie materiałów do ostatniej chwili.
- Podejście do pytań egzaminacyjnych jak do realnych przypadków związanych z naszą pracą czy życiem w ogóle. Praktycznie spojrzenie często pomaga w podaniu odpowiedzi zwłaszcza wtedy, gdy z głowy wypadnie nam część definicji albo jakiegoś zagadnienia, co nie ukrywajmy, w czasie egzaminu może zdarzyć się bardzo często, częściej niż byśmy chcieli.
Szansa na zdobycie wiedzy, lepszego zrozumienia mojego zawodu, zmieniającego się środowiska finansowego, przepisów oraz wymagań klientów. Dodatkowo po uzyskaniu tytułu członka ACCA organizacja oferuje nam CPD, który pozwala na utrzymanie wiedzy oraz umiejętności na odpowiednim poziomie, a także na samodoskonalenie w kwestiach zawodowych. To przekłada się na większą konkurencyjność na rynku pracy oraz możliwość szybszego i bardziej efektywnego dostosowania do zmian na nim.
Jeżeli korzystałaś z opcji nauki i przygotowania do egzaminu, oferowanych przez naszych partnerów edukacyjnych, napisz prosimy z czyjej oferty korzystałaś i jak ta nauka pomogła uzyskać Ci tak świetny wynik z egzaminu?
Korzystałam z oferty BPP. Do przyszłego egzaminu, czyli APM również będę przygotowywać się z BPP. BPP to dla mnie synonim kompetencji i zaangażowania. Ich oferta pozwala na świetne przygotowanie planu nauki oraz jego realizację. Każdy z wykładowców jest bardzo dobrze przygotowany do zajęć i potrafi zaadresować najważniejsze kwestie w przystępny i zrozumiały sposób. Osobiście zawsze wybieram opcję zajęć online składających się z części: teach, revision oraz mock exam.
Klaudia Zachara, Assistant Vice President, Fund Accounting in Alternative Investment Solutions department, State Street, FM Prizewinner
Na wstępie chcielibyśmy pogratulować znakomitego wyniku egzaminu w sesji Czerwiec 2022. Czy możesz nam powiedzieć, jakie były lub są Twoje główne motywacje do ukończenia ACCA Qualification?
Dziękuję bardzo, ten wynik był dla mnie zaskoczeniem, gdyż po zakończeniu egzaminu nie byłam w stanie powiedzieć czy poszło dobrze czy słabo. Moją motywacją do zdobycia ACCA qualification jest zarówno znaczące pogłębienie wiedzy, jak i potencjalne otwarcie się wielu nowych drzwi na ścieżce kariery.
Jaki był klucz do Twojego sukcesu egzaminacyjnego? Jaką masz strategię nauki/przygotowania do egzaminu, którą możesz polecić innym studentom ACCA?
Wybrałam metodę samodzielnej nauki z materiałami zatwierdzonymi przez ACCA. Dałam sobie 2 miesiące na przyswojenie materiału "Study text". Podzieliłam całość materiału na bloki tematyczne i przeliczyłam ile mniej więcej czasu mam na każdy rozdział. Następne 3 tygodnie to intensywna praca z zadaniami i powtórka teorii oraz wzorów. Ostatni tydzień to oprócz powtarzania najsłabiej utrwalonych części - egzaminy próbne i mierzenie czasu przy zadaniach typu B i C.
Jakimi wskazówkami i praktycznymi radami możesz podzielić się z innymi studentami ACCA, którzy przygotowują się do egzaminów?
Każdemu odpowiadają inne metody nauki. Moją metodą, którą polecam, jest robienie notatek w trakcie czytania materiałów, a później nauka z tych notatek. Te rozdziały, które są dla nas najtrudniejsze lub najmniej zrozumiałe najlepiej czytać powoli, kilkakrotnie. Regularna nauka jest kluczowa. Z początku ilość wzorów i stron materiałów wydaje się przerażająca, lecz wystarczy stworzyć swój plan nauki i wyznaczyć sobie ramy czasowe, które pomogą w przygotowaniu do egzaminu. Reszta to sukcesywność w realizacji planu, nauka kilka razy w tygodniu o porze, o której najlepiej się nam przyswaja nowe informacje. Dla mnie to były poranki (nauka teorii), a czasem też wieczory (robienie zadań).
... wyzwanie w postaci nauki i egzaminu w języku angielskim oraz poszerzenie horyzontów w zakresie wiedzy, jak i możliwości na ścieżce kariery.
Jakie korzyści odniosłaś ze zdawania egzaminu zdalnie (remote exam)?
Pierwszy egzamin zdalny był dość stresujący - czy wszystko zadziała? Czy coś nie przerwie egzaminu? Na szczęście sesja przebiegła bezproblemowo, a egzamin przeprowadzany w domowym zaciszu daje duży komfort, jak i możliwość wyciszenia się i skupienia. Nie ma tylu bodźców zewnętrznych w postaci innych osób, odgłosów, nowego otoczenia. Jest to forma egzaminu, którą zdecydowanie wybiorę następnym razem.
Pierluigi Celotti, Senior RTR Accountant, Zimmer Biomet, FR Prizewinner
Pierluigi Celotti
Firstly, I would like to congratulate you on the excellent exam result in June 2022 session. Could you tell us what your main motivations for completing ACCA Qualification are?
The reasons behind such choice are mainly related with a real passion and love for accounting, developed throughout years of study and hand-on experience. Furthermore, ACCA motivates me to do better at work, conduct in-depth analysis and widen my accounting knowledge.
What was the key to the success of your exam pass rate? Did you have study strategy you can recommend?
Studying hard, understanding and focusing on the accounting treatments rather then learning by heart the concepts, using the textbook as well as on-demand courses can be very helpful.
What tips and practical advice would you share with other ACCA students preparing for their exams?
Covering the whole syllabus and being confident with the accounting principles is the real key of success. Since the IAS/IFRS follow a principle-based approach, the student should be able to apply the concept to several and brand new scenarios rather then memorizing the accounting rules.
- ...professionality, challenge, development,
- ...effort, passion but also stubbornness, determination and perseverance,
- ...odi et amo.
What advantages did you find in taking remote exam?
There are pros and cons, a little benefit-risk analysis might help. The main risk is the internet connection quality but it is mitigated by the chance given by ACCA to retake the exam one week later.
The advantages on the other side can be considered subjective and mainly associated with: less stress, being able to perfectly simulate the exam conditions in the previous days or weeks, reducing the idle time and third parties risks (e.g. delays or traffic jams).
In case if you used any tuition provided by our learning partners, could you please specify which one and how it helped you to get the exam result?
Kaplan OnDemand helped me following a weekly routine. Nevertheless, the textbook (e-book online version) has been an incredibly useful guidance for the exercises.
Myriam Qatawneh, Accounts Assistant, AA Prizewinner
Myriam Qatawneh
Firstly, I would like to congratulate you on the excellent exam result in June 2022 session. Could you tell us what your main motivations for completing ACCA Qualification are?
I chose ACCA because it's a global qualification that opens the doors to a variety of interesting roles, all over the world.
What was the key to the success of your exam pass rate? Did you have study strategy you can recommend?
The keys to success was to practice a lot. I attempted all available mock exams, and completed the Revision Kit at least twice. My study strategy is to read the whole textbook first, writing down the key points from each chapter. Very early on, I start practising exam questions and mock exams. I find that practising from the very early stages of the exam preparation helps you to understand the concepts better than just passively reading the theory.
What tips and practical advice would you share with other ACCA students preparing for their exams?
I would advise to start studying early on, and to make a realistic study plan that you can stick to. Cover the whole syllabus, as skipping topics is risky and is likely to result in you losing easy marks.
Ensure you practice a lot, using an approved Revision Kit and the ACCA Practice Platform. Write down any mistake you made while practising, so that you can review them later on. When you attempt a mock exam, I would suggest to time yourself, so you can practice your time management skills. During the exam, if you are not sure about a question, move on and come back to it later on, if you have spare time. It's very important to be strict with your time allocation.
I also found it helpful to read the Technical Articles, past papers commentary and the Examiner's reports, to get practical tips and advice from the examiners' themselves. They explain the marking criteria very clearly and help you understand what is expected from you.
… being part of a worldwide community of professionals equipped with a well-rounded knowledge and values such as ethics and integrity.
Iryna Grytsaenko, Economist ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih, FR Prizewinner
Iryna Grytsaenko
Firstly, I would like to congratulate you on the excellent exam result in June 2022 session. Could you tell us what your main motivations for completing ACCA Qualification are?
Thank you for congratulations. It is simple. I want to develop my knowledge and skills in finance and become better version of myself as a specialist. Such qualification as ACCA allows me to do that.
What was the key to the success of your exam pass rate? Did you have study strategy you can recommend?
First of all, it's a plan of study. I prefer to add my study sessions to my daily routine. I feel uncomfortable if I don't have clear understanding what I should study and when. Also there should be some additional time for research if some topic is harder for my understanding. In planning it's much easier to do with learning partner. In the most cases they provide you with simple and executable plan of study, additional materials and tutor support.
What tips and practical advice would you share with other ACCA students preparing for their exams?
As for me the main negative contributor to the result of my exams is the stress. I think it will be much easier to pass if you will prepare yourself to exam day since the very beginning. Not only by studying harder. You should understand what you feel during study process or at exam day and what could improve your state. What can assure you that you are 100% ready to pass. I fight the stress with clear plan of study and daily sessions. I add it as a part of my daily routine, so I don't build up stressful "events". For example, studying one day a week but several hours increase my level of stress. And does not depend on either I understand topic clearly or I need more time for additional research. I feel like there wouldn't be enough time to dig deeper to understand, so I should move on to the next topic to maintain the tempo and if something is unclear figure everything out at the very end. Usually it ends up in fail result. Study process should be smooth for you.
... a great way to try myself in ability to develop through the whole life. To improve myself in a field I work. Lots of people stopped learning anything after gaining their Bachelor or Master degree. For me it's not a suitable case.
What advantages did you find in taking remote exam?
For taking a seat at previous exams I had to spend a night before the exam on the way. Clearly it wasn't a plus to my condition at the exam day. Remote exam is perfect way for me to take a seat.
In case if you used any tuition provided by our learning partners, could you please specify which one and how it helped you to get the exam result?
I want to thank you for your support of Ukrainian students in such a hard time. I took the opportunity to study with LearnSignal and that platform made its own contribution to my success. They provided clear plan of study, additional materials and tutor support. For me it was much easier to gain knowledge and assurance with them. They have beautifully structured system which helps you to focus on the most important topics which helps you to succeed.
Vitaliia Hrabishchenko, Financial controller, LLC Lesaffre Ukraine, DiplFR Prizewinner
Vitaliia Hrabishchenko
Firstly, I would like to congratulate you on the excellent exam result in June 2022 session. Could you tell us what your main motivations for completing ACCA Qualification are?
The main motivation is to prove to myself that I can do it.
What was the key to the success of your exam pass rate? Did you have study strategy you can recommend?
I believe that the most important was to study every day. During my preparation studying routine was my habit. I dedicated a lot of time and efforts and I got my result. I knew that I had a month and a half and I was ready to skip some meetings with friends or other stuff to achieve my goal. And of course it’s crucial to have a great teacher and support from your closest people (I had everything of it).
What tips and practical advice would you share with other ACCA students preparing for their exams?
As I mentioned before every day studying is the key. The next one is to find YOUR teacher or course. And you should consider the exam as your main goal now.
... a big step in achieving my career goals and community of professionals.
What advantages did you find in taking remote exam?
I live in Ukraine and as you know it is war now so remote exam was the only option for me. It’s great because I was at home in my usual environment and feel more calm. Remote exam is the modern technology which provides students with the best option to take the exam.
In case if you used any tuition provided by our learning partners, could you please specify which one and how it helped you to get the exam result?
I used e-books which BPP provided for me as a Ukrainian student for free. I am so grateful to them. It helped me to practice all the tasks and checked myself.
Mariia Klepakova, Tax Manager, KPMG in Ukraine, AAA Prizewinner
Mariia Klepakova
Firstly, I would like to congratulate you on the excellent exam result in June 2022 session. Could you tell us what your main motivations for completing ACCA Qualification are?
I was always fond of studying something new and execution of new opportunities for personal development. Also, it turned out quite interesting for me to become more familiar with basics for making management decisions and understanding the whole picture of business activity and processes of a company without concentration on separate transactions that is more common for my specialisation (i.e., tax and accounting). Particularly this year resumption of exams taking has helped me to return to a part of my ‘pre-war’ life and take my mind off constantly news update and air alarms.
What was the key to the success of your exam pass rate? Did you have study strategy you can recommend?
Usually, I start my exam preparation about 1.5-2 months in advance in order not to spent more than 2 hours per day on my studying. This approach is the most efficient for me as it provides the opportunity to be more flexible in case of significant workload, personal affairs or day-off mood.
What tips and practical advice would you share with other ACCA students preparing for their exams?
I’m not sure that there is a standard approach for exam preparation that could be suitable for anybody. As for me, it is important to identify personal studying preferences and habits (e.g., long-term preparation or studying ‘at the last night’) and further consider them during the development of personal plan. Anyway, it could be more efficient to highlight something useful or at least interesting in each separate syllabus as it helps to make the studying worth the time and effort.
... a challenge, the possibility for personal development and ability to find out something new in my profession.
What advantages did you find in taking remote exam?
As for me, the main advantage of the remote session is ability to organise comfortable conditions for taking an exam (e.g., use of own laptop) in order to minimise an impact of any distracting factors. However, it was also challenging to meet both ACCA requirements and security criteria (in case of air alarm) for preparation of my exam environment.
In case if you used any tuition provided by our learning partners, could you please specify which one and how it helped you to get the exam result?
I always study with Kaplan (i.e., Distance Learning Courses). I consider the ability to pass Mock Exam and receive the feedbacks from reviewers as the most useful and important step in the course of my preparation with Kaplan as it helps to “rehearse” the exam and identify problem areas requiring in-depth studying. It also worth mentioning that Kaplan has provided a great opportunity for all Ukrainians on free access to online materials that were very helpful in my preparation to the exam.
Yurii Yushchenko, Financial analyst, SMART, AFM Prizewinner
Yurii Yushchenko
Firstly, I would like to congratulate you on the excellent exam result in June 2022 session. Could you tell us what your main motivations for completing ACCA Qualification are?
I believe that the structured material, on which ACCA Qualification is based, can help you achieve your desired career and personal financial goals.
What was the key to the success of your exam pass rate? Did you have study strategy you can recommend?
For me, the option with flexible habits works best. Working with inspiration is much more pleasant, but it is better to rely on discipline and dedication. Make yourself 3 goals: minimum, basic, and advanced. As a goal, I choose quality study time. Each of the goals must be SMART. Dedicate a time every day when you have to complete a minimum task. If you are inspired enough, you can even reach an advanced one.
What tips and practical advice would you share with other ACCA students preparing for their exams?
Do more practice questions. You should dedicate not less than 40% of your time to practicing questions.
... the education program I had been dreaming of when I was a student. Real practical knowledge that helps you in your day-to-day work. And enhance your business understanding.
What advantages did you find in taking remote exam?
For me, it was the only option because of the war in Ukraine. ACCA gives me a reason, a goal to achieve, and an opportunity to test my knowledge.
In case if you used any tuition provided by our learning partners, could you please specify which one and how it helped you to get the exam result?
I studied with LearnSignal. The materials are prepared at a high level. I would like to thank LearnSignal once again for the opportunity for Ukrainians to study for free in these difficult times.
Yevgenii Sova, Manager, Strategy and Transactions EY, SBR Prizewinner
Yevgenii Sova
Firstly, I would like to congratulate you on the excellent exam result in June 2022 session. Could you tell us what your main motivations for completing ACCA Qualification are?
Thanks a lot. My main motivation is a continuous professional learning and improvement of my technical and soft skills. Since ACCA curriculum covers a wide range of topics in financial analysis and accounting, it helps me to systemize my knowledge and skills which are applicable to my daily work. Completing ACCA Qualification is one of my professional milestones. I appreciate it as a 'quality label' recognizing my dedication and diligence as well as certifying that my skills and knowledge are in line with best industry practices globally.
What was the key to the success of your exam pass rate? Did you have study strategy you can recommend?
In my opinion, key success factors are motivation, realistic plan and systematic approach to learning. A good strategy will involve a regular studying (e.g. three times a week or each weekend). It is important to make a study plan as early as possible and continuously adjust it, considering the overall time available before the exam. For professional level It is also very helpful to stay practical and maintain a good balance between the overall understanding of topic, its application and technical details.
What tips and practical advice would you share with other ACCA students preparing for their exams?
- Think how you can apply each subject from ACCA curriculum to your current or future job. It will enhance your motivation to learn.
- Do not give up, in case something is not crystal clear from the first attempt. You will gain a better understanding with more studying and practicing.
- Practice is highly important. Dedicate enough time to familiarize yourself with past specimen and practice exams.
- Cutting edge technical skills in financial analysis
- Globally recognized and prestigious professional certificate
- Global community of executives, financial analysts and accountants
What advantages did you find in taking remote exam?
- Flexibility in choosing a location, in case exams in a testing center are not possible (due to Covid-19, war, other circumstances)
- Flexibility in choosing of time slots
In case if you used any tuition provided by our learning partners, could you please specify which one and how it helped you to get the exam result?
Kaplan. Clear description of study material, plenty of practice tests, very useful pocket notes, option to use the online platform.
Dmytro Nesterov, Auditor Deloitte Ukraine, FM Prizewinner
Dmytro Nesterov
Firstly, I would like to congratulate you on the excellent exam result in June 2022 session. Could you tell us what your main motivations for completing ACCA Qualification are?
My main motivation to complete ACCA Qualification is to obtain a broader technical base, get more career opportunities, and also get more opportunities for further education.
What was the key to the success of your exam pass rate? Did you have study strategy you can recommend?
To successfully pass the exam, the key aspect is to have a deep understanding of the subject. Simple memorizing will not be enough, because it will be very difficult to apply such "knowledge" in a more complex situations.
40% marks are allocated to section C, in my opinion, this section is the most important in preparing for the exam, and about 70% of the practical time should be allocated to section C. In case of the good preparation to section C, you will take most of the points from this section in the exam, and also you will obtain some points from the first two sections.
Also, the importance of theoretical knowledge should not be underestimated. Theoretical questions have a 35-40% weight. So, it is almost impossible to successfully pass the exam without paying enough attention to theory.
What tips and practical advice would you share with other ACCA students preparing for their exams?
The most important thing in the preparation process is to develop a plan. If you work full time, it is very important to properly plan your remaining time, allocating part of this time for studying and it is very important to allocate part of the time to sports, since any physical activity makes studying more efficient.
... large technical base, big challenge, more opportunities.
What advantages did you find in taking remote exam?
It is much more convenient for me to take the exam not remotely. But in the conditions of war, the decision of taking exams remotely was made in order not to interrupt the certification process.
In case if you used any tuition provided by our learning partners, could you please specify which one and how it helped you to get the exam result?
I was provided with LSBF electronic materials (books and online lectures) which was the main base for exam preparation.
Olesia Ododiuk, Controlling Clerk, SPP-distribúcia, a.s., DiplFR Prizewinner
Olesia Ododiuk
Firstly, I would like to congratulate you on the excellent exam result in June 2022 session. Could you tell us what your main motivations for completing ACCA Qualification are?
Thank you for congratulations! About motivation: even before the start of hostilities, I wanted to achieve greater success at work, but I could not. I lacked universal knowledges, although I had others that were not appreciated by the employer, since I could not visualize them in the form of, for example, a certificate. Back then, in order to have more opportunities, it was necessary to study international standards and improve English. When looking for jobs in the positions I wanted, I saw these requirements. Some time after the start of hostilities, I was evacuated abroad. After moving, while looking for a job, I saw the requirements for knowledge of international standards more often, and it was obvious that I needed to pass this exam for myself. Without an exam, there is no way to force yourself to learn so much in a short time and also to document this knowledge.
For me personally, the certificate was important for the opportunity to get a more responsible, better job. Although, of course, the point is not in the certificate itself, but in what it means - the presence of knowledge.
What was the key to the success of your exam pass rate? Did you have study strategy you can recommend?
I think, the most important thing is not to give up when you see difficult questions on exam. To be honest, I didn't even expect to get high marks, it was very important for me to achieve a passing level. Unfortunately, my brain has a very hard time accepting new information, so despite the systematic approach, I had to first hear it, then read it, then listen again, and only then could I approach the practical tasks. Then I could still miss something and do something wrong, then after working on the mistakes I could finally feel that I had mastered the material.
At some point, I realized that the way I was learning the material was not enough to prepare in time. What I planned to repeat later overlapped with new material, which was also difficult for me, and which also had to be learned separately again. Therefore, in order to have time to cover everything, I need to continue to study the previously studied material after work and a corresponding lesson with the teacher, because I did not have time to learn it. I was very afraid that my brain would not be able to. But at some point I noticed that my perception was changing. I believe that it helped me that I understood what exactly is unclear and blocking for me, because of which I cannot move on. Therefore, I separately wrote several questions that were key for me to my teacher, to which she answered very precisely and everything was laid out on the shelves.
What tips and practical advice would you share with other ACCA students preparing for their exams?
I can advise you: understand how you personally perceive information best and most fruitfully, in what form and sequence. In my opinion, this is the key to success not only in the exam, but in life in general. It can also help to know your personal weaknesses and also take the time to correct them.
Also, before any exam, it is important to practice writing last year's papers, including timing. Of course, this is obvious advice. But one may neglect such an opportunity that ACCA provides.
Also, before any exam, it is important to practice writing last year's papers, including timing. Of course, this is obvious advice. But one may neglect such an opportunity that ACCA provides.
… an opportunity to be recognized as an international specialist who can keep his knowledge anywhere and in any field. The opportunity to cooperate with new interesting people, to improve the level of English. ACCA provides an opportunity for people of all ages around the world, who want to find better job, to acquire international skills and knowledge.
What advantages did you find in taking remote exam?
First, it is not always possible to go to another city or country to take the exam. Secondly, the risk of infection with covid, which is why it was avoided. Thirdly, because of the war, many Ukrainians do not know where they might be in a month or two when they register for the exam. Therefore, in order for people to be able to engage in self-development under any conditions, ACCA found an excellent solution - a remote exam.
In case if you used any tuition provided by our learning partners, could you please specify which one and how it helped you to get the exam result?
I used tuition provided by ACCA's learning partner - BDO Academy together with teacher Yulya Bukatina. I sought training from a partner because I read the standards on my own, but didn’t work with them in practice, which is why I immediately forgot them. Unfortunately, I take such things only from the practical side. Also, I really need someone to tell me whether I did the right thing or not during preparation, and to answer my questions. Yulya Bukatina also gave a lot of advice on how to orientate on the exam, what to do in what order, so that it was as quick and effective as possible. I am very grateful to her and BDO Academy for the tuition!
Kateryna Khivrych, IFRS Expert, Vodafone Ukraine, AA Prizewinner
Kateryna Khivrych
Firstly, I would like to congratulate you on the excellent exam result in June 2022 session. Could you tell us what your main motivations for completing ACCA Qualification are?
Thank you, I appreciate! I plan my further career in finance, accounting, and I find ACCA Qualification essential for succeeding. As well, I just like studying. In my opinion, everybody who wants to succeed should study and grow professionally whole life.
What was the key to the success of your exam pass rate? Did you have study strategy you can recommend?
I worked in audit, EY Ukraine, for 3 years, so I had an advantage in preparation for my summer AA exam. I just needed to refresh my knowledge and practice to solve questions. I think especially for Audit and Assurance practice is a key to the success.
What tips and practical advice would you share with other ACCA students preparing for their exams?
For me it is easier to start preparing for an exam 2-3 months in advance and dedicate 40-50 min 4-5 times a week than to rush at the last moment and leave one week before an exam for preparation to study day and night. With such a relaxed approach you will be able to learn all the materials in depth and apply gained knowledge in your work routine afterwards.
- an integral part of a professional preparation in finance;
- an indicator of a hard-working, self-motivated and diligent person;
- a level of professionalism.
What advantages did you find in taking remote exam?
Remote exam was a necessary measure for me because of the russian war in Ukraine. However, I found taking remote exam really convenient, there was nothing to worry about. One big advantage is that you save a lot of time for your trip to and from an exam.
In case if you used any tuition provided by our learning partners, could you please specify which one and how it helped you to get the exam result?
I used Learnsignal and I think that is really “the smarter way to study”! The platform provides short videos with theory and a lot of practice questions. The way of bringing the information to students is amazing!
Artem Romaniuk, Financial Analyst, Genesis, PM Prizewinner
Artem Romaniuk
Firstly, I would like to congratulate you on the excellent exam result in June 2022 session. Could you tell us what your main motivations for completing ACCA Qualification are?
The main reason why I started to study ACCA is to structure a chaos in my head after graduating university and to understand the practical side of knowledge I have already gained.
The second reason is recognition, of course. ACCA Qualification is an excellent indicator of a high level of professionalism, and also says a lot about personal qualities. It demonstrates that a person is ready to go to the goal, no matter how difficult it may be, and to invest a lot in self-education.
What was the key to the success of your exam pass rate? Did you have study strategy you can recommend?
Practice, practice and... practice. It is important how good you are in a topic. But what is more important is a time management. A good time management can only be received practicing in exam real conditions and using fast exam techniques.
What tips and practical advice would you share with other ACCA students preparing for their exams?
- Effective time management is a must.
- Invest a lot of time in a practice, not only in studying material. Actually, even more time should be invested in practice.
- Easy marks first. Don't spend time on something that frustrates you. Solve what you know how to do first.
- Don't be afraid to miscalculate something. You will not be punished for the same mistake twice, but the right way of thinking will be awarded.
… a way of thinking professionally. On the one hand, you have an extensive and structured portfolio of knowledge in finance, on the other - a practical toolkit and an understanding of how to combine these things.
What advantages did you find in taking remote exam?
- You can practice in exam conditions as much as you need.
- It's easier to concentrate.
Oksana Bessarab, Financial Accountant, BF&M, 1st Top Affiliate
Oksana Bessarab
Firstly, I would like to congratulate you on the excellent exam result in June 2022 session. Could you tell us what your main motivations for completing ACCA Qualification are?
I believe that completing ACCA is a great opportunity to get new knowledge, progress in my career and be a part of a community of ambitious individuals.
What was the key to the success of your exam pass rate? Did you have study strategy you can recommend?
My key to the success is persistency and consistency. I started preparing to exams way in advance and covered a small area of a syllabus every day.
What tips and practical advice would you share with other ACCA students preparing for their exams?
The most important part of a preparation is to practice. Firstly listen to lectures or read a text book and then allocate a lot of time to practice previous exams’ questions or questions from approved learning provider’s revision kits. It will help you tremendously on the exam. Also try to write an exam under exams conditions at least once.
… a way to grow as a professional, to broaden my horizons and a chance to prove that I am worthy of a better life.
What advantages did you find in taking remote exam?
Before ACCA introduced remote exams I would need to travel to another city because there are no exam centers where I live. It required taking few days of vacation and investing money in tickets and accommodations. It was quite stressful experience because I was under a lot of pressure. I wouldn’t let the idea of failing an exam because I already put so much effort just to get to the exam room. Remote exams are a great option for students like myself as it freed more time for the preparation, reduced pressure and saved money.
In case if you used any tuition provided by our learning partners, could you please specify which one and how it helped you to get the exam result?
I used Open Tuition website to prepare for all my exams. It’s a free and very well structured resource. Firstly I listened to all lectures and then read the accompanying notes. I also bought a revision kit from BPP Learning. I attempted as many questions as possible from the kit and tried to cover each area of the syllabus. At the end of the preparation I took a mock exam on the ACCA official website under exam conditions and then marked myself. I know how difficult could be to convince yourself to do it but I believe that this last part of the preparation is crucial as it gives you so many insights on how to approach the actual exam.
Laura Vycaite, Senior Consultant EY, SBR Prizewinner
Laura Vycaite
Firstly, I would like to congratulate you on the excellent exam result in June 2022 session. Could you tell us what your main motivations for completing ACCA Qualification are?
I see value in this qualification. It gives a very good overall understanding of the subject and I feel that it makes it easier to grasp things at work. And as hard as it is to prepare for exams, I do find the content very interesting and I like studying.
What was the key to the success of your exam pass rate? Did you have study strategy you can recommend?
The strategy I always stick - I cover all text book (I use Kaplan) making my own notes and don't leave any part I don't understand. Therefore, for some parts of the chapters that were harder for me, I spent about one week (of course it does not mean that I studied all day everyday). I also read almost all technical articles which I found very useful. Unfortunately, I was short of time for the revision - I dedicated for it only 1 week, but I took study leave for this and those days I focused on ACCA only. Since I could not cover all the exam kit, I focused on the suggested exercises and spent equal amount of time analyzing the given answers and tried to learn from my mistakes. It roughly took 2 months in total to prepare for this exam - hence I would not recommend to leave studying for the last weekend.
What tips and practical advice would you share with other ACCA students preparing for their exams?
Don't skip the theory. Aim to understand rather than memorize. Make notes while studying. And most importantly - even if you find the subject boring, find ways to like it. Then it is much easier to make yourself to study. Finally, if you work full time - take some time off from work for studies.
... quality and high ethical standards.
In case if you used any tuition provided by our learning partners, could you please specify which one and how it helped you to get the exam result?
I used Kaplan text book and exam kit. I use them for all my exams and I find it very well written and structured. After covering the material, there were no surprises in the exam.
Alvita Narbutienė, AA Prizewinner
Alvita Narbutienė
Firstly, I would like to congratulate you on the excellent exam result in June 2022 session. Could you tell us what your main motivations for completing ACCA Qualification are?
My main motivation is to gain new knowledge which I could use in my daily work.
What was the key to the success of your exam pass rate? Did you have study strategy you can recommend?
I mostly prepared by self-learning from material provided by ACCAs Approved Content provider. Although, previous work experience in Audit department helped a lot when preparing for the Audit and Assurance exam.
What tips and practical advice would you share with other ACCA students preparing for their exams?
Start preparing as early as possible.
… a support for professional knowledge and skills.
What advantages did you find in taking remote exam?
Taking remote exam is less stressful, moreover it saves time on the journey to examination center.
Auguste Maciulyte, Assistant Vice President, Citco Fund Services Lithuania UAB, FR Prizewinner
Auguste Maciulyte
Firstly, I would like to congratulate you on the excellent exam result in June 2022 session. Could you tell us what your main motivations for completing ACCA Qualification are?
Inside motivation is the key. The first thing that motivates me is that I want to be a better version of myself every single day. The second – I truly believe that every professional should be keeping his/her skills and knowledge up to date. There is always more to learn than you already know.
What was the key to the success of your exam pass rate? Did you have study strategy you can recommend?
Key to success for all activities is to be indulged in what you are doing. Financial Reporting is very interesting topic and seems very practical for me personally. This is why it was easy to get into this topic deeply and spend numerous hours.
My strategy is quite simple and always the same – read theory and work on practical cases and try to connect theory to practice. This means that I try to find situations in my personal experience where I have already faced the topic. I always try to understand the root cause WHY and HOW it was done not just simply trying to memorize the theory. Once I understand the logic everything becomes much easier to remember. This is my way. Not saying that this is the best/shortest way but it seems to work for me :)
What tips and practical advice would you share with other ACCA students preparing for their exams?
The ultimate goal is not to pass all exams or become an official ACCA member. The journey itself is the most important and you need to find your own personal way how to enjoy it!
There is no magic pill or easy shortcut that may work. Everyone needs to find their own way. Sometimes it could be taking notes, sometimes highlighting key information. Sometimes extra readings, videos or colleague’s help are needed, sometimes everything is clear and only summary is enough to be read.
The important thing is not letting yourself to burn out. If you need a break – take it. If you want to sleep – do it!
… a challenge for myself that I accepted. This is the journey where I continuously gain a lot of knowledge that I then share with my team, colleagues and become more valuable in the professional world overall. I am not a doctor that saves lives daily, however I can and I do share my knowledge! In cases I become a part of someone’s career/professional growth, sometimes the example that inspires younger colleagues not to stay at one place and always seek for improvement. The more I know, the more I can share!
What advantages did you find in taking remote exam?
Remote exams are very convenient. One may have heard a saying that “even a wall at home can help you”. Place you are familiar with may contribute towards less stress and thus better results. However I kept best for the last - after you finish the exam, you can instantly fall on your bed and take a nap to restore your energy. :-) This is by far the best part of any exam I have yet taken!
Gabija Malikonytė, Senior Audit Consultant, Deloitte Lietuva, PM Prizewinner
Gabija Malikonytė
Firstly, I would like to congratulate you on the excellent exam result in June 2022 session. Could you tell us what your main motivations for completing ACCA Qualification are?
Thank you very much. My main motivation to complete the ACCA Qualification is continuous improvement of the skills and knowledge, which I can achieve during the preparation for exams, as well during completion of Ethics & Professional Skills module.
What was the key to the success of your exam pass rate? Did you have study strategy you can recommend?
The studying plan for me was the key to success - it makes studying enjoyable and less stressful. For the preparation of the exam, I was using Kaplan workbook, which I highly recommend. The main advantage is that at the end of each unit, it has several tasks and questions, which are very good for practicing. What I noticed that while solving these tasks, it highlighted the main areas for which I needed some additional knowledge or revision of the theory. In addition to this, I highly suggest solving previous years' exams as it helps to get familiar with the formulation of the tasks. Overall, don't leave the preparation for the exam till the last minute and have some time to reflect on more difficult tasks.
What tips and practical advice would you share with other ACCA students preparing for their exams?
When planning your studying time for the exam, allocate some time for review and reflection of the more complicated areas. Do not skip the practical tasks and review questions as those might highlight the areas for which more attention/revision is needed. Also, try to solve at least one previous year exam by setting the time limit - it will help to understand if your speed is appropriate or you need some time to practice to solve the questions quicker in order to complete as much as possible during the exam day.
- continuous improvement,
- highest standard of professionalism,
- development of skills and knowledge.
What advantages did you find in taking remote exam?
Remote exam saved some time on commuting and was less stressful, as you can complete the exam in familiar environment.
Patrīcija Benislavska, Senior Associate, KPMG Baltics, APM Prizewinner
Patrīcija Benislavska
Firstly, I would like to congratulate you on the excellent exam result in June 2022 session. Could you tell us what your main motivations for completing ACCA Qualification are?
With so little left to obtaining the ACCA qualification, my main source of motivation is to think of all the work already done, which reassures me that I have it in me to pass the remaining tests.
What was the key to the success of your exam pass rate? Did you have study strategy you can recommend?
The support of my colleagues and possibility to learn so much from doing really helped me in APM exam.
What tips and practical advice would you share with other ACCA students preparing for their exams?
Start studying early (at least 1 month in advance) and combine various learning approaches (i.e. reading textbook, watching videos, taking tests and reading ACCA's technical articles).
… an education platform that allows people from various parts of the world to obtain internationally recognized and relevant knowledge.
What advantages did you find in taking remote exam?
Flexibility, time savings and reduced amount of stress.
In case if you used any tuition provided by our learning partners, could you please specify which one and how it helped you to get the exam result?
I used study materials provided by BPP Learning Media. I read the textbook and then attempted to do as much exercises and tests as the time constrains permitted. I have been using learning material from this learning partner since the first exam I took, and I have grown accustomed to the way the learning material is structured.
Antons Ponomarjovs, Audit assistant, Nexia Audit Advice, AA Prizewinner
Antons Ponomarjovs
Firstly, I would like to congratulate you on the excellent exam result in June 2022 session. Could you tell us what your main motivations for completing ACCA Qualification are?
My main motivation is obtaining new skills and knowledge. ACCA has a unique syllabus and the content that is learnt for each of the exams can be applied in practice. The greatest thing about ACCA, in my opinion, is that to pass an exam you are not only required to learn the concepts, but also the questions are designed in such a way that they resemble real-life scenarios. When I am at work, I often find myself reflecting on the scenarios that I encountered when studying for the exam, which helps me propose a solution to an issue quickly and confidently.
What was the key to the success of your exam pass rate? Did you have study strategy you can recommend?
As always, I would recommend having a solid understanding of the theory. Question practice is definitely a crucial factor to mastering the exam technique and quickly finding solutions, but I still always start with learning the theory. Firstly, to learn the relevant standard or law I read it thoroughly, grasping most of its specifics. Afterward, I apply it to the question. Additionally, while studying for the exam I would recommend drawing parallels to situations that are encountered in practice and understanding how to deal with such situations. In the exam, structuring your answers and thoughts helps to answer the question quickly and straight to the point. At my workplace, Nexia Audit Advice, when working on complex audit projects and encountering issues that need to be resolved, I talk though the situation with my colleagues and a structured approach to explaining the situation, helps to come to an answer.
What tips and practical advice would you share with other ACCA students preparing for their exams?
I would suggest being focused and thorough with the revision. Syllabus of the exam might feel overwhelming, but overall many of the concepts are understandable. The key is identifying topics and concepts that require special attention and those that I do not completely understand. I usually write down such concepts on a separate sheet of paper and then cross them out as I mastered each one of them. For the topics that are difficult to understand, I suggest reading the theory and technical articles multiples times as well as practicing every question on this topic that you can find.
… a journey to new challenges and victories.
What advantages did you find in taking remote exam?
The advantage of the remote exam is that I tend to concentrate better, when I am writing the exam in my own home. I tend to do the exam in the first half of the day because I am still full of energy. Being able to write an exam from home, helps me save time on driving to an exam center and getting distracted. In the morning before the exam, I usually spend my time looking through the topics that were the most challenging to quickly recap the information, helping me feel prepared for the exam.
In case if you used any tuition provided by our learning partners, could you please specify which one and how it helped you to get the exam result?
Like for all of the previous exams, I used BPP Workbook and BPP Practice & Revision kit. I believe that BPP Workbook is written in an organized way, providing all the necessary guidance to be successful in the ACCA exam. It is easy to use it along with the revision kit. I like flexibility, and by using the BPP materials, it gives me an opportunity to self-study. I recommend using BPP Workbook because theory is very clearly explained in a professional manner, focusing on the most important concepts.
Inga Murniece, Business controller, AS SEB Banka, TX UK Prizewinner
Inga Murniece
Firstly, I would like to congratulate you on the excellent exam result in June 2022 session. Could you tell us what your main motivations for completing ACCA Qualification are?
Thank you! Main motivation is to improve excellence at work as business controller and become CFO in future.
What was the key to the success of your exam pass rate? Did you have study strategy you can recommend?
I was dedicating at least 1 hour every day during 3 months and every second weekend prioritizing studies over other tasks. This ensured timely study book reading and 100% questions review in exam kit book.
… getting comprehensive picture of what high level Finance professional should know and self-confidence to develop a career.
What advantages did you find in taking remote exam?
Main advantage is being alone with less disruptions around, also using own equipment and being at home gives additional safety thus less stress.
Dmitrijs Ignaškins, Manager in Assurance Services EY, SBR Prizewinner
Dmitrijs Ignaškins
Firstly, I would like to congratulate you on the excellent exam result in June 2022 session. Could you tell us what your main motivations for completing ACCA Qualification are?
Thank you very much, I am very pleased to get such a result in June 2022 session. My main motivations for completing ACCA Qualification is continuous professional development - ACCA makes you a better and more skillful version of yourself once you are done with the exam paper. Another motivation is that I am able to prove myself that with right attitude I can actually do this - become a certified accountant.
What was the key to the success of your exam pass rate? Did you have study strategy you can recommend?
In my opinion the key success factors were planning and strategy - I have made a detailed study plan prior to start of preparation, which included the exact timing of when the text book has to be read, how many mock exams do I plan to do, etc. When you get this far with the exams, you already have enough experience to understand that this is really, really important.
Additionally I believe that determination and perseverance were also key factors as I was eager to score high in this exam as it is very much related to my professional life.
What tips and practical advice would you share with other ACCA students preparing for their exams?
Firstly, I would advise ACCA students to believe in themselves and just keep going because during my preparation period I have experienced different stages - calmness, anxiety, confidence, desperateness - and this is normal. But it's important to remember that every day you are closer to your goal.
Also I would advice students to use different sources of information - for instance I have used Kaplan study books as well as different webinars - both from ACCA and external providers. And of course practice is very important.
… first and foremost diligence, productivity and professionalism, which in turn leads to recognition, achievement and independence.
What advantages did you find in taking remote exam?
I believe that by taking a remote exam you can put yourself in comfortable surroundings, which helps you to concentrate on the most important - on the exam. Also you do not have to be physically in the exam center/city - therefore its easier to adapt your personal plans to the exam date.
In case if you used any tuition provided by our learning partners, could you please specify which one and how it helped you to get the exam result?
I have used Kaplan Study text and Exam Kit, as well as ACCA Pakistan Webinars on SBR.
Jekaterina Bodarova, Chief Accountant, VK Tranzīts SIA, SBL Prizewinner
Jekaterina Bodarova
Firstly, I would like to congratulate you on the excellent exam result in June 2022 session. Could you tell us what your main motivations for completing ACCA Qualification are?
The main motivations could be: expanding my knowledge horizons, keeping myself up-to-date with different financial and accounting issues and building professional confidence.
What was the key to the success of your exam pass rate? Did you have study strategy you can recommend?
SBL allowed me to use knowledge I gained during my previous studies and practical work experience, so I think this was the main factor of success. The best study strategy for me are several days of intense self-study (I use ACCA approved Workbook and Practice & Revision Kit), reading technical articles and doing a lot of practice questions.
What tips and practical advice would you share with other ACCA students preparing for their exams?
Very simple advice, which works, from me - always try to understand topic instead of memorizing it. As to tips - while preparing for exam - be flexible and choose the pace that fits you, during exam - carefully re-read question before starting to answer it.
… development, professional growth, widely recognized excellence, perseverance and determination.
What advantages did you find in taking remote exam?
No need to commute on the exam day, opportunity to choose the time of the exam.